War is Not Healthy for Children and Other Liiving Things 2003
Painted shortly after the US declared war on Iraq, the baby wears his grandfathers’ dog tags (both served in VietNam). The lollypop doubles as a target, and the flower petals become sitting ducks. The title borrowed from the protests of the 1970s.
Bort Gray

On the Farm
My cousin, who still lives on a section of the family farm, entertained my grandsons with frogs and tadpoles during their summer vacation in Ohio.

Beau Baby 2012
When the Bavuso family welcomed a fifth son, the older boys christened him Beau Baby… which is still used by his Granny!

Big Engough 2016
When visiting her older brother’s school, Madeleine decided she was big enough to get a drink of water on her own.

Monkey Shines
At 2 3/4, James wore his monkey suit everywhere, including trips to Trader Joes. The banana display proved such an enticement, the little monkey had to touch.
Trader Joes’ marketing department was so charmed by the piece that they sent James a gift card… for bananas. 2013

Lincoln Bavuso 2018
Unfortunately for Lincoln, he was painted during my Modigliani phase.
Rather unexpectedly, he grew into the long neck, and as a baseball player, still has a hat close at hand.

Rebecca 2023
A quick study used as an example in an adult painting class. Based on a photo taken in 1981

Cherokee Spirit 2018
Cousins Carson, Beau, and James at the teepee in the woods, Camp MEOA (most excellent Ohio adventures)

Ground Control to Major Tom 2014
Created using James’ Halloween silhouette, soon after we visited the Matisse cut-outs show in NY.

Star Light, Star Bright
Created using Madeleine’s Halloween silhouette shortly after a visit to the Matisse cut out exhibit in NY.

Art for Aid: Nick Muehlenbein 2010
After the Indonesian tsunami, I raised money for the cause by taking commissions.

Art for Aid: Arianna Muehlenbein
After the Indonesian tsunami, I raised money for the cause by taking commissions.